
Best Paper Awards

"Our Favorite Gameplay Speaks Volumes about You: Predicting User Behavior and Hexad Type." HCII'23

        "Building Ethical AI: Federated Learning Meets Fairness and Differential Privacy." DAI'21

Best Paper Runner-up Award

"Fair Allocation with Special Externalities." PRICAI'22

  "Human-Machine Collaboration for Face Recognition." CODS-COMAD'20

Best Poster Design Award

        "We might walk together, but I run faster: Network Fairness and Scalability in Blockchains." AAMAS'21


Best Thesis Award

Alumni Medal of IISc for the Best Thesis in CSA for the academic year 2011-12' for my Ph.D. Dissertation

Infosys Fellowship

       Recipient of Infosys Research Fellowship 2007-2010

Best Perspective Seminar

Received departmental "Best Perspective award" for the year 2006-07 for my presentation "Auctions with manipulative players."

Ganit Parangat

Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth: Maths Examinations

Maharashtra Talent Search Examinations

Consolation Prizes in grade VIII and IX