Currently, I am working as Associate Professor at the International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIITH). I hold the CA Technologies Faculty Chair position at IIITH. Prior to IIITH, I was a post-doctoral researcher with Prof Boi Faltings, LIA, EPFL, Lausanne (Jan'14-Oct'15), and a Sr Research Associate with Prof Y Narahari (Nov'15-Apr'16). I was a Research Scientist at Xerox Research Centre India (Jan'11-Nov'13). I completed my Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science and Automation @ the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. I worked with Prof Y Narahari, Game Theory Lab. I am a recipient of the Alumni Medal of IISc for the Best Thesis in CSA for the academic year 2011-12' for my Ph.D. Dissertation, Novel Mechanisms for Allocation of Heterogeneous Items in Strategic Settings. During my Ph.D. I was a recipient of the Infosys Doctoral Fellowship.
My Resume:Click Here (Last Updated Jan'24)
Research Interests
Game Theory and Mechanism Design
Application of Game Theory to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Social networks
Internet advertising
Intelligent transportation
Online education
AI and Machine Learning
Cryptographic Game Theory (Securing Auctions)
Distributing trust: Block-chain Technology
Game Theory and Machine Learning
Recent Updates
Our following papers have been accepted at AAMAS'25
FLIGHT: Facility Location Integrating Generalized, Holistic Theory of Welfare
Shapley Value-based Approach for Distributing Revenue of Matchmaking of Private Transactions in Blockchains
Regret Guarantees for a UCB-based Algorithm for Volatile Combinatorial Bandits
Our following paper has been accepted at AAAI'25
FROC: Building Fair ROC from a Trained Classifier
Our following paper has been accepted at ACML'24
Fairness and Privacy Guarantees in Federated Contextual Bandits
Our following paper got accepted at ECAI'24
No Transaction Fees? No Problem! Achieving Fairness in Transaction Fee Mechanism Design
We presented a tutorial on `Fair and Private Deep Learning' at CODS-COMAD'24
Our following seven papers got accepted at AAMAS'24
Simultaneously Achieving Group Exposure Fairness and Within-Group Meritocracy in Stochastic Bandits
Fairness of Exposure in Online Restless Multi-armed Bandits
Designing Redistribution Mechanisms for Reducing Transaction Fees in Blockchains
Analyzing Crowdfunding of Public Projects Under Dynamic Beliefs
No Transaction Fees? No Problem! Achieving Fairness in Transaction Fee Mechanism Design
Decent-BRM: Decentralization through Block Reward Mechanisms
Fairness and Privacy Guarantees in Federated Contextual Bandits
I have openings for highly motivated Master's and Ph.D. students to work on fascinating research problems in applied game theory and research challenges at the intersection of Machine Learning, Game Theory, and blockchain technology. I am excited about how to design strategy-proof protocols/ algorithms for modern marketplaces; that is, strategic agents do not manipulate them. I am also intrigued by the fact that with appropriate incentive engineering, blockchain technology has not only solved distributed consensus but also enabled the distribution of trust across the whole network. I aim to make AI and distributed systems fairer and strategyproof through different research problems. You must be admitted to IIITH if you are interested in working with me as a regular student. If you're interested, feel free to email me to schedule a meeting. I do not have any internship openings for Bachelor's or Master's students.
Professional Activities
SPC Member: IJCAI 2021
PC member: UAI 2022, 2021, IJCAI 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018,2017,2016. AAMAS 2020,2019,2018,2017.
AAAI 2024,2023, 2022, 2021, 2020. WINE 2017.
Reviewer: Conferences TheWebConf 2019, FSTCCS'15, ACM EC'15, AAAI'15, ICOR'12 WINE'12,
CSE504: Fairness, Privacy, and Ethics in AI (Monsoon 2021,22,23) (IIITH)
CSE201: Data Structures and Algorithms (Spring 2021,22,23,24) (IIITH)
CSE435: Advanced Communication Networks (Monsoon 2018,19,20) (IIITH)
CSE512: Distributing Trust and Blockchains (Spring 2018, Monsoon 2018,19,20,21,22) (IIITH)
CSE481: Optimization Methods (Spring 2017,18) (IIITH)
CSE498: Introduction to Game Theory (Monsoon 2016,17, Spring 2019,20,21,22,23,24) (IIITH)
Advanced Topics in Algorithmic Game Theory and Mechanism Design (Spring 2015) (EPFL)
Vistor Count (Since 11 April 2007)